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How It Works?
All luxury items are 100% original. You will love how easy it's to shop with me and finally wear that piece you always wanted.
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How does it work?
1. Choose a item (or items)
Choose the luxury item that you like the most. They are 100% original and your purchase is totally safe.
2. Buy It (or choose a plan)
If the item is available you can buy immediately. If not, you can order it and choose a payment plan.
3. It's Gone
We’ll send your luxury item to your door. Buying luxury pieces is really as simple as that.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is behind Palas Designer Bags?My name is Ursula, I have been a Personal Shopper for more than 5 years and I also sell luxury items. I travel to Europe for you and bring the item of your dreams. I offer payment plans so you can have that item you love so much with you in a short period of time. I like fashion and being at the forefront like you. If you need more information, write to me Or find me on Facebook as Palas Designer Bags.
How does the payment plan work?The payment plan is a financing method that I offer to all my clients, they can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments.
What do I need to reserve an item?A non-refundable deposit will be requested in case of canceling the payment plan.
Is there an interest or penalty?I don't charge interest or penalty, the payment agreed between you and me will be made as I mentioned above. If the payment plan remains unpaid for more than a month, it will be cancelled.
What happens if I change my mind?The deposit is not refundable and the contribution will be used as a credit in your favor.
How can I contact you?You can contact me here or message me via Whatsapp and I will gladly answer all your questions.
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